Arcelia Castillo
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mis pensamientos sobre lo vivido todos aquellos seres queridos del mundo entero los que perdimos familias yo les acompano en mi dolor con estas palabras que fueran mi inspiracion y mi recuerdo de cada 11sep.
martha cecilia gomez castillo, Family
Apr 29 2013 2:03AM
John Skrypa
ee, Family
Jan 28 2008 4:11PM
Palmira, enero 27 de 2008. Muy queridos sobrinos Silvio Alexander Román Castillo y Anthony Román Castillo: Reciban de su tía Doris, quien guarda para ustedes la mas sensible y fraternal estimación, un fuerte abrazo y con este mi sincero deseo de que cuando esta carta lean la divina providencia me les depare un buen estado de salud y mucho bienestar. Hoy quiero, como prueba de este inmensurable cariño y como siempre lo he anhelado, comunicarme con quienes, al igual que con mi adorable Argelia q.e.p.d, sostuve un bonito nexo de familiaridad, siempre acentuado por e intercambio de afectos que, a pesar de la distancia, y la dura pena que el destino nos impuso, llevo especialmente muy unidos en mi corazón. Solamente Dios sabe la triste nostalgia que he sentido durante los últimos ya casi siete años, al no poder saber nada sobre los que tanto aprecio y es este también un gran motivo para pedirles, si a bien lo consideran, que por favor no olviden a esta tía que día a día quisiera saber de ustedes para sentir la felicidad que a través de este gesto su querida madrecita desde el cielo quisiera y puede seguir brindándome. En este momentos mis amores, como bien segura estoy de sus nobles sentimientos y se que no me negaran la alegría de permitirme saber sobre sus vidas, de mis les cuento que me siento algo sola, dada la definitiva ausencia de mi esposo Gerardo y un poco delicada de salud, sin embargo tengo el aliciente de muy pronto recibir noticias suyas, lo cual menguaría en gran medida mis quebrantos. En esta misiva pueden constatar mi dirección de residencia: carrera 39ª #37-55 barrio la concordia, Palmira (Valle del Cauca) y el teléfono: 2729092 o para una mas amplia alternativa de comunicación enviar cualquier mensaje al email Con la enorme satisfacción de dirigirles estas líneas y quedando en la expectativa de recibir a esta contestación, se despide su tía que tanto y por siempre los recuerda deseando que la divina misericordia en todo momento me los proteja. Besos y abrazos…. Att: Doris Castillo
DORIS, Family
Jan 28 2008 4:07PM
My Grandmother meant a lot to me. she was the best thing that happened to me in my whole 12 years of life. i am happy to call her my grandmother cause on the day of 9/11 i learned a good lesson that one thing you love will come to an end SOONER or LATER. In this case i would have hopped it would have been later. One of many of the memories i had of my Grandmother was when ever we would sleep over her house in Elizabeth she would give us a bottle and sing us a song and she did that to my father Silvio Roman but he likes to be called Alex. One thing that everyone needs to know is the good memories that happen to you will always stay in you until you try to forget them but my memories of my Grandmother a strong and loyal woman will always stay in my heart and i will pass it on to my Children and their Children until i know that thing of my grandmother have gotten to through everyone and know when my time is up. One thing i have to say is Grandmother i miss you i wish you were still here with us I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU and i Try not to cry every time 9/11 comes because it will bring back memories of your death and i am so Sorry you had to go but those people who killed you got what they deserver and they were treated well. Luv your granddaughter Breanna Roman
Breanna Roman, Family
Dec 10 2007 4:42PM
My brother Ed was her companion for 13 years, until 9/11. I have pictures of Shella (that was the nick name she used) and of Shella and Ed together if you would like to post one of them here. Just let me know and I can forward a few for you to choose from. Thanks, John Skrypa
John Skrypa, Family
Oct 30 2003 4:03PM
I met Arcelia through my husband, Richard Anthony Aceto, who was her office friend and colleague at Marsh. Arcelia was a wonderful person, with a kind heart, who shared her warmth and generosity with everyone, including our daughter, Christina. Although she had only met Christina a few times, they formed a bond. Arcelia sent Christina little gifts for her excellent grades in school, and for special occasions / holidays. A few weeks before Arcelia and Richard lost their lives, she gave Richard a few perennial plants from her garden, knowing that we enjoyed gardening. We planted the white grape, iris, and bleeding hearts in our garden. Two years later, these plants continue to add color and memories to our garden -- memories of the wonderful and thoughtful person that Arcelia was.
Christy Aceto, Friend
Sep 17 2003 11:31AM
Arcelia was a very strong woman. She worked very hard for her eduaction. As her daughter in-law I was deprived of the relationship that my mother inlaw and I were starting to have, after twelve years so hard. She had to learn something new never satisfied with yestersay or today needed to learn something new everyday. She also worked so hard for the figure she had. Now we all know she has a buetiful figure and no longer needs to work so hard. I am proud to have called her my mother in-law and wish,I could have learned just a little of what she knew. I am proud to have her three buetiful grandaughters and her handsome grandson. Brittany her eldest grandchild had the honors of excepting her colledge diploma, that she worked so hard for. Hopefully soon her diploma will be available for all her friends and employees to see. Thank you for allowing me to share alittle of my mother in-law.
Lureina Roman, Family
Sep 16 2002 7:13PM
Just a stranger who wanted to send his condolences.
Ken D, Friend
Sep 11 2002 6:06PM