Palmina Delligatti

Family Tribute:Palmina DelliGatti was a passionate, loving woman in respect in to life, family and friends. She had a head for business and a heart for every other important aspect of life. In work she put forth all energy to enable success for the company and her co-workers. She accomplished this by listening, reasoning, holding true to a hard work ethic and above all placing integrity first. On a more personal level Palmina was a true New York sports fan. Her heart was filled completely with the New York feeling from her love of the Yankees ball club to her extreme passion for The New York Rangers. It was common knowledge to anyone who spoke with her that if you differed in this you had to expect the debate of your life. This was truly one of her charms. She had pride in her home country of Italy and brought forth her culinary skills to all who were lucky enough to partake in the sampling. She literally fed love to those around her. She owned an undeniable adoration for the simplest things in life as well as the quality thereof. She just enjoyed the experience of all that was new and different. Palmina has left her mark in this world that will forever be felt by those who had the pleasure of knowing her. Her smile, childlike laughter, generosity, sense of pride and lust for life will be missed. Words cannot express the depth of love that pours out for her. Palmina DelliGatti....daughter, sister, Godmother, co-worker, friend and now our angel.

Love always,Maria, Dawn and Dad

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Pal, I continue to think of you and remember especially on another anniversary of the horrible 9/11 attack. Our country has not been the same since that terrible day. Unfair that so many wonder- full people had to give their lives for this tragedy. If only we could roll back time and pick up where we left off and start to go forward again. Instead all we can do is remember and love one another and give thanks for those such as yourself who provided the ultimate sacrifice and send sincere sympathies to those you loved and who love you. We will never Forget!
Bob Klebe, Friend
Sep 12 2019 4:42AM
Carissima Palmina, You are in our hearts each day. My daughter, Adrianna Palmina, is 10 now and understanding more each day. She asks me to tell her about my friend, Pal. She may become an astronaut or accountant 😊. Your spirit is with us. The Yankees are doing well. You would like this team even without Andy Pettite. I love and miss you always, Paul.
Paul Raschilla, Friend
Sep 11 2019 0:41PM
Pal, Seventeen years now and still we remember, as we always will, the terrible tragedy of 9/11and the horrible loss of lives of wonderful folks, such as your- self. This June I had the opportunity to sing at Carnegie Hall and visit the 9/11 Museum all while thinking of you. Not fair at all. We will continue to remember your sacrifice and again extend our sympathies to your family and friends. We never met but I can' t tell you how many times I think of you and your tragic loss. Blessings to you and your family!
Bob Klebe, Friend
Sep 11 2018 7:23PM
Dear Palmina, We love and miss you always. Peace and remembrance are in your hearts for you and those we lost. Your spirit lives on in me, my family and especially, my daughter.
Paul Raschilla, Friend
Sep 11 2018 9:46AM
Fifteenth Anniversary of the horrible events of 9/11 and we have not forgotten, nor will we, the loss of our friends and fellow countrymen at the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania. We remember folks we did not even know as I do with Pal. I was fortunate enough in June to make a trip to Italy with my church choir and to sing mass at the Vatican on Fathers Day. I sang in honor of Pal and I again send my thoughts and sympathies to her family and friends for their terrible loss in such a senseless tragedy. What an awful price to pay individually and collectively as a country. Wish it were not so but like Pearl Harbor, 9/11 will always be a tragic day in the history of the USA and Pal will always be one of the innocent Angels. Blessings to all!
Bob Klebe, Friend
Sep 11 2016 4:55PM
The year following 9/11 a concert of Mozart's Requiem was performed in St Louis and each of the singers was assigned the name of one of the angels lost in that horrendous event. The name I received was Pal and I honored her with that concert and several others that we have sung since both in New York City and in St Louis. We will never forget, we have not forgotten, nor will we, and whenever I think of 9/11, I think of Pal and what a terrible loss for her family and friends. We grieve for you and we will not forget you.
Bob Klebe, Friend
Sep 11 2012 11:01PM
Thank you for the beautiful the words you have expressed about our cousin, Palmina. She will always remain a precious part of our life. Palmina filled all our the hearts with warmth. Everyone who had a moment or lifetime to know her would concur. She blessed or lives with her warm loving words and always made you feel welcomed and truly cared for. We think of you everyday. We LOVE you and MISS you our special guardian ANGEL!! The memories, traditions and lessons we shared together will always be practiced and taught to our next generation. May you rest at peace in the warmth of God's hands!
Joanne Burdi, Family
Sep 11 2012 10:11AM
I taught several math courses at Pace University that Palmina was enrolled in. In my entire teaching career (45+ years), it is difficult for me to recall a more pleasant person and more diligent student than Palmina. She would be the first to show up for each class, and it was a pleasure discussing everything from cars to cooking with her. When she left us, I had great difficulty even passing the room where our class was held! I miss her dearly.
Gabriel Rosenberg, Friend
Aug 10 2011 1:50AM
chere cousine palmine bientot 10 ans que tu est partie et cette douleur est toujours la bien presente tu nous manque a tous et chaques fois que je parle avec ta soeur marise cette pensee me hante et je ne peut pas oublies toutes ces aventures que nous avont fait ensembles en france comme a new york et surtout cette derniere fois ou je t'aie racompagnee a l'aeroport de luxembourg apres ce nouvel an 2000 passe ensemble avec amour et tendresse de la part de ton cousin français toni et de son epouse patricia at ses enfants florian et fanny
delli gatti toni, Family
Jul 21 2011 2:44PM
Dear Palmina, I'll always remember about our Roman days, we had so long and beautiful walks trough Rome together. I felt like I had always known you, I felt you belong to my family. I remember you said that you loved your sister so much. So you were used to take one day a year off from work and you two spent it together in some wellness and spa place. You said that was the way you used to dedicate your own time and space one another. Well, you were so sweet and's still hard to realize what happened. With love, I'll wait for you.. Letizia
Letizia Panetta, Friend
Sep 13 2010 9:40AM
cara Palmina, You are always in our hearts. We remember your smile, warmth, and loving spirit each day. We miss you and our hearts ache that you are not here to meet my daughter, Adrianna Palmina, born on May 3, 2009. I will root for those who cannot at every Yankee and Ranger game. love, hugs, and good times always, Paul and family
Paul Raschilla, Friend
Sep 11 2009 9:34AM
Dearest Pal, I think of you often and smile through my tears. I'm sure you are in the arms of the angels. With love, Kristen
Kristen Shine, Friend
Jun 4 2009 7:14PM
un saluto a mia cugina anche se non ci siamo mai visti il mio cuore e stato sempre con te e tutta la tua famiglia abbiamo pagato tutti per quell'11 settembre ora trovo la forza per dirti che ci sono anche io scusa ma il dolore e stato troppo forte ora con il blocco alla gola riesco a dire cio che penso echiedo scusa a te a ai tuoi cari bay ,bay, cugina
tonino delli gatti, Family
Mar 12 2009 10:16AM
Our thoughts turn to her often - especially on this date. I'm happy to read that she was so loved and admired by so many friends, family, and colleges.
Joey Delli Gatti, Family
Sep 12 2008 11:38PM
Dear Pal, I think of you often and keep you in my prayers. I really miss you. Not long ago I was going through some pictures and came across the one I took of you and Adam Graves. It couldn't help but smile through the tears. It was a good game, but a fantastic night sitting next to you enjoying the game you love so much. What a thrill we had meeting Adam and even getting his picture to boot! Love, Maureen
Maureen Brinsmead, Colleague
Mar 28 2003 9:36AM
My Dear Pal, Merry Christmas. It is so hard to believe this is your second Christmas gone. Where does the time go?? Kimberly and Brianna are getting so big. Kimberly will soon be taller then me. She is so grown up. She is doing really well in school. I am doing alright. I really miss you. I sent out my cards and its so automatic to write one to you that I started to. Strange isn't it. They say time heals all.... Well 15 months have gone by and I don't really think time has helped just yet. May you enjoy the Holiday in Heaven. Until we meet again, my friend. I love you, Dawn
Dawn Davis, Friend
Dec 24 2002 12:49PM
I can remember, very fondly, Palmina as a student of mine in two economics courses that I taught at Pace University in the fall of 1997 and the spring of 1998. She was a bright, attentive, outgoing and, above all, friendly young person. Economics is not usually regarded as the most exciting of academic pursuits, and given Palmina's effervescent personality and wining ways, I greatly appreciated her willingness to stay with the subject matter. Palmina always sat in the front row of the class, and seemed to be a friend and confidant to all. I can also recall that Palmina and I shared an enthusiasm for the Austin Powers movies. She is gone much too soon. My sympathies to her family, to her friends, and to her colleagues. Rest well, Palmina, and .... behave!
Glenn A. Perrone, Friend
Oct 8 2002 3:34PM
On this day, in loving memory of a special lady, who even in our tragic loss of her a year ago, still inspires, still fills our lives with love and the glow of her wonderful smile, has taught us to use each day wisely. This day, a year ago, the world lost many lives. This day, I reflect on all the days that many lives are lost. September 11th, 2001 came to our door. Palmina DelliGatti has given, all that had the good fortune of basking in her loving light, a gift. She touched lives in a way that only she could. Her determination, passion, intellect, humor, brazenness & truth for life will forever be etched in our fondest memories of her. Pal, thank you for the lessons of living to the fullest. Thank you for teaching us to enjoy the simplest of pleasure. Thank you for showing us to appreciate the finer things in life. Good family, good friends, good people, good food, good clothes, good debates, stimulating conversations, laughing til it hurts, most of all loving with all your heart. Your missed by so many people. Forever in Our hearts you will always be, Pal. Forever, your love will come through those that we're blessed by knowing you. I vow to pass your lessons on. Til we meet again, Pal. All Our Love!!! Steph & Gus Gerhardt p.s. Pal, ya wanna let your sister, Marie, know about Princess Di. please? :)
Stephanie Gerhardt, Friend
Sep 11 2002 1:04PM
My dear Pal, Happy Birthday! It seems like only yesterday that I called you and wished you a Happy Birthday. But its a year later and soooo hard to believe that you are not here to Celebrate. But if my heart is right then I know you are in Heaven partying it up. Have a drink on me dear friend. I love you. Dawn
Dawn Davis, Friend
Aug 30 2002 8:23AM
Palmina DelliGatti was our beloved cousin and best friend. We still can't believe she is gone. After September 11th our lives were changed forever. Palmina was such a wonderful person to have in your life and if you had the pleasure of knowing her you can consider yourself truly blessed. Her love for her family was endless, and now that she is gone there is a void in our family that can never be filled. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of her and the pain in our hearts will go on forever. We miss Pal so much, so much is different with out her. There is no longer that smiling face coming over our home telling us she was off to another country for travel, or back from another Lord & Taylor sale. We told our daughter that she now has a guardian angel up in heaven looking down upon her, but if you knew Pal you would know that she was always a guardian angel for her family & friends. We will miss her forever, the pain will lessen over time, but her memory will never fade. I know my friend we will meet again until then you will always be in our hearts and thoughts. We love you & will miss you endlessly. Love Your Cousins, Lucy, Steve, Nicole, & Madison-Palmina
Steve, Lucy
Jun 17 2002 12:03AM
There is so much to say about my wonderful friend. We met in 1988 when we started at Marsh. I left in 1998 but we remained very close. She was a beautiful person, wonderful friend and extremely dedicated to her family. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. I can't explain the pain I feel with her gone but I know that I am very greatful for our time together. She brightened my life and so many other people. Keep smiling down on us because I truly feel it. I love you, Dawn
May 23 2002 4:25PM
Pal wanted to be first in everything and she did it, She was the first person who took me to a Yankees and Rangers games, spent my first Easter dinner with her and her family, my first visit to beaches in NY, etc. She was not afraid of taking risks and her cooking was terrific!!! She was a caring person with such a big heart that offered her friendship to everyone. I miss her a lot, but I know that she is somewhere else, smiling as she always did. Pal,I miss you....
Margarita Malagon, Friend
May 1 2002 8:29PM
I too met Pal when she started auditing my expense account...she was such a character over the phone, I said, I'm going to stop by to meet you when in NY. We became good friends and always had plenty to laugh about. She was always in a good mood and I still can't believe she's gone, 7 months later....Once she came to DC, where I live, and I took her to a Rangers/Caps the end of the game, she had my son rooting for the Rangers! On the new years eve millenium, she flew to Europe for some fun...I have emails saying, good for you Pal, all these people were afraid of terrorists and stayed home and you went over and enjoyed yourself! I miss her every day.Ellen Rowan, former Marsh Employee
Ellen M. Rowan, Friend
Apr 19 2002 1:47PM
I worked with 'Pal O Mine' for several years starting when she audited my expense account. We became good friends over the years, having lunch or dinner together when I was in the city. She even took me to a Yankees game last year. How she loved her family and shared her joys and sorrows of the close-knit Delligatti clan. She was the same age as my younger daughter and we shared the 'joys' of being single at age 30. She worked so hard at Marsh and at school at night and was so genuine and honest. I think of her daily and of her family, especially her Dad dealing with her death.
Ray Paul, Colleague
Apr 12 2002 1:59PM
I've know and worked with Pal for over 14 years. She could always make you laugh. We had many great times together, especially going to the Rangers games. I know they will be missing their greatest fan, as I am missing her.
Maureen Brinsmead, Friend
Apr 5 2002 1:44PM
All of my communication with Palmina was by phone and e-mail, so I regret never meeting her in person. The thing about Palmina that I loved so much was that she always made me laugh. She was such a pleasure to work with. I do miss her.
Leigh Ann Timlen, Colleague
Apr 4 2002 11:13AM