Matthew Horning

At an office Christmas party in 1999, Matthew Horning told a colleague he had two goals: improving at guitar and finding someone to love.

In January he started taking guitar lessons. In August he met Maura Landry, who also lived in Hoboken, N.J.

'Hi,' he called down the table at a Mexican restaurant where mutual friends had gathered. 'We’re neighbors.'

In the following months, Mr. Horning’s grin grew into what his family called the 'Maura smile.' He started getting sappy, observed his sister, Dana.

A database administrator for Marsh & McLennan, Mr. Horning, 26, aspired to write a fantasy novel or a comic book. His dreams were simple and sincere. 'We didn’t have to live in the biggest house on the street, but the people inside had to be happy,' said Ms. Landry, 24.

Though not yet engaged, the couple were planning a life together. She wanted four children; he talked her down to three. He wanted her to walk down the aisle to the 'Star Wars' theme. She said, 'We’ll see.'

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Hi I hope Matthew rest in peace in Heaven. I see an article about his mother looking desperatly the body of his son, she's so brave and she make me cry. This is really sad. So sorry for your loss. Sabrina from France.
sabrina, Friend
Aug 1 2014 8:27PM
Hi Matt - Remember you often, specially today. Always smiling.. Thanks for the Great memories. May your soul rest in peace.
Mukesh, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 10:52PM
I knew you and your family before the Marsh days. So much time has passed and yet that day seems like yesterday. I see your parents once in a while. It is still so sad, but your family is so strong. They loved you Matt...they will always love you and you will always be in our hearts
David Hambleton, Friend
Sep 9 2011 2:23PM
we got that bastard.....i miss and will never forget you.
Erick Sossa, Friend
May 2 2011 1:20AM
je compatis vivement avec vous,Madame et sachez que j'approuve votre courage. Puisse DIEU vous venir en aide pour continuer votre combat.
wahid, Friend
Sep 12 2010 2:38PM
Je me joins à tous ceux et celles qui ont perdu des enfants pour des raisons de pouvoir, d'orgueil et de vanité, et particulièrement à vous Diane, pour saluer votre courage et votre respect de la dignité humaine. Vous êtes mon Prix Nobel de la Paix.
Julie Blaquiere Longueuil Qc, Friend
Sep 12 2010 10:22AM
Mes pensées vont vers cette mère qui vit avec les souvenirs de son fils, victime innocente de fanatiques qui n'ont pas hésité à commettre l'irréparable. Qu'à travers son fils soient honorées toutes les victimes du terrorisme pour qui tous les gouvernants ne manifestent que peu d'intérêt, les subrogeant aux intérêts financiers et personnels.
MICHOT Guy, Friend
Sep 12 2010 8:23AM
Dear madame, je suis très touché par votre situation .Nul doute que Matthew de la-haut est fière de vous et de votre famille ,qui continuent le combat pour sa mémoire. Je suis de tout coeur avec vous et mes prières vont vers vous. Du Québec,Canada,Michel
michel bourque, Friend
Sep 12 2010 8:05AM
I hope that Matthew and those others who perished in the tragedy will find a proper burial place and those who have a say in the matter will remember that commandment of love: withhold not kindness from the dead.
Cesar Marciano Bautista, Friend
Sep 12 2010 7:35AM
Madame, Je viens de lire l article et faire la connaissance de Matthew,je voulais vous dire que malgré la distance qui nous sépare je me sens très proche de vous et de toutes les familles si durement touchées,j espère que votre combat ne restera pas vain et vous prie chers parents d accepter ma compassion et mon soutien
tyszler, Friend
Sep 12 2010 7:21AM
Diane, I am an unknown friend from far away, but I was touched by Matthew's story and I want to write you a few lines. Those we loved will never die, as long as we will keep remembering them, as long as we will talk about what they did, what they said, how they used to smile, to joke...When I lost my young daughter, a friend wrote to me : 'do not cry because you lost her, be proud and happy because you met her' and this helped me a lot. I wish you all the courage a mother needs in such a terrible moment, and please, tell Maura that here, in Paris, there are people who were happy to read that she was the girl who made Matthew 'shine' in a new and different way because she made him happy. Love from France, Diane.
Odile Miranda, Friend
Sep 12 2010 6:42AM
Je viens juste de lire un article sur Matthew dans un journal français, expliquant le combat de sa mère, c'est comme cela que j'ai eu connaissance de qui il était, je ne le connaissais pas, je ne suis même pas Américain mais j'ai toujours la même peine à voir des gens bien mourir. Qu'il repose en paix et j'espère de tout coeur que sa mère obtiendra gain de cause dans son combat.
Damien, Friend
Sep 12 2010 4:55AM
May the angels guard you in peace and light and give courage to your loving mother.
helene, Friend
Sep 12 2010 4:49AM
Une pensée émue et un recueillement sincère pour une mère courage qui reste droite face à la folie des Hommes mais aussi devant l'absurde inhumanité des administrations. Tant qu'il y aura des mères il y aura l'espoir. Et grâce à votre voix, c'est l'amour encore et toujours qui fini par avoir le dernier mot. Que matthew repose en paix je n'en doute pas une seconde, sa mère veille sur lui... A thought from France
letoulat sylvain, Friend
Sep 11 2010 8:11PM
Just read an article about Matthew. I'm sure he knows how much his family love him. Rest in peace Matt. From France.
Memlap, Colleague
Sep 11 2010 5:44PM
je viens de faire la connaissance de Matthews par un article de journal. Et je veux dire à sa mère que je suis touché par son combat et sa peine. C'était manifestement un bon gars, un bon collègue, un de ceux qui comme beaucoup traversent la vie sans bruit en essayant d'être heureux et de rendre les autres heureux. Je suis français et malgré la distance si proche de vous de lui. Je vous embrasse Madame
Gilles des Courières, Friend
Sep 11 2010 1:37PM
I was Matt's RA his Freshman year at JMU in Chandler Hall. I have thought of him often over the last 9 years. He was a great young man when I knew him and an incredible part of the community. He is missed by those that he never even knew remembered him...
Tim Miller, Friend
Sep 11 2010 10:08AM
I worked with Matt at Marsh when I was just learning how to be a software developer and database administrator for HR. I always remember how he would take time out of his busy schedule and try and teach me the ins and outs of the systems and how to better my skills. He never got upset or gave up even after showing me how to do something for the tenth time. lololo...I think about him often but I know he's up with God probably showing him how to automate his systems lololol...miss ya dude..
Erick Sossa, Colleague
Aug 12 2010 12:53PM
Matt was a neighbor and all around great guy. He loved his dog Rookie whom he walked faithfully. He always found a reason to smile and kept an eye out for the kids on the street. He was a loyal Mets fan and I feel fortunate to have known him. 5/17/09
jen gozlan, Friend
May 17 2009 10:46PM
You crossed my mind today. You often do. I cherish all those summer trips to Mr. Steve's poconos house and the beach during college, as well as road trips to JMU from UVA. Your harmonica and solo during 'the Erin song' always brings a smile to my face and will never be forgotten. Always missed...
Erin Allebaugh Muller, Friend
Jan 7 2009 9:55AM
matt was like an older brother to me i could never imagine a day in my life when you werent there you still here i can feel you watchign over telling me to keeping trying not give up becuse matt you're the one who taught me how to tie my first shoelace and and the 'right' way to throw a baseball you and dana both taught me who to tell time. those thigns may sem liek nothing now but those were impotant firsts for me and i' soo grateful that you were im my life for them . i knew for 9 years but i remeber you being there for me on counless acctonts you saved from getting hit by a car when i was 5 my bike was crushed and i looked at you and you said im soo happy your ok or when iw as on my first two wheeler and i fell off you told me how proud you were that icould ride one and you help me and cleaned my cut and gave me a band-aid form that day i on i called you my doctor.matt life i has passed by and now i'm 15 not 10 im in high shcoio, and its scary but i know you always there for me everysingle step of the way and if i could be half the person you were when i grow i will be soo happy to know that you shaped me who i am today an i hope that your proud of me i love you and miss you
abigail Gozlan, Friend
Oct 30 2007 2:15PM
i think about matt and remember how he gave me a mets cup as a present. and how he saved my sisters life, when she wasnt looking at a car speeding down the street on her bike. i remember matt a a older brother. he took care of me, and made me happy when my dad was at work all day. matt was the best, most genuin guy i ever met. i was 6 when he left us. no one could believe it. he was, without a doubt the greatest guy ever.
nate gozlan, Friend
Oct 29 2007 6:41PM
matt was like an older brother to me he taught me (as his did his sister dana) how to tell time and how to ride my first two wheeler bike matt saved meform everthing if it was big like almost getting hit by car( which he did save me from) or falling off and getting briused. in my 5 yr old mind he always knew how to make my life better. as little girl everything is simple there is no gray area matt i will always miss you. i still have the mets cap you gave me and i still remeber that you were the one who taught me the right way to hit a baseball! i love always and no matter what you always be my hero ,my doctor and my 'big brother'
abigail gozlan, Friend
Oct 29 2007 4:41PM
I only knew Matt for a short time (for the one semester that I attended JMU), but I'll always remember him laughing and smiling. He was such a great guy and immediately helped me feel at home at JMU. I'm so glad that I got to know him and have such wonderful memories of him.
Alison, Friend
Sep 10 2007 7:49PM
It has been 4 years now and I thought by this time it might be easier to think about what happened to you and what it meant and still means to everyone who was a part of your life. It hasn't and I think it never will. I just spent a beautiful day in September with a group of your close friends and family and I can tell you this, we all miss you just as much as ever and always will. Thanks for being such a great friend.
Keith Swenson, Friend
Sep 11 2005 7:22PM
Just thinking about your wonderful sense of humor, our shared love of baseball and how much I miss you . . . forever my brother and friend, baboo.
Dana, Family
Apr 19 2005 5:31PM
Gone but never forgotten. I can still see his smile and remember his corny sense of humor. I think about our ride together to see the Orioles play in Camden yard.
Jayne Shontell, Family
Sep 3 2004 1:41PM
I'll be seeing you In all the old familiar places That this heart of mine embraces All day through. In that small cafe; The park across the way; The children's carousel; The chestnut trees; The wishin' well. I'll be seeing you In every lovely summer's day; In every thing that's light and gay. I'll always think of you that way. I'll find you In the morning sun And when the night is new. I'll be looking at the moon, But I'll be seeing you.. --Billie Holiday To my beloved Matt: Love today, tomorrow and always Maura
Maura, Family
Dec 24 2003 3:45PM
I grew up with Matt since we were 4 years old, when I just moved in, and my mom brought me to the park down the street where the other neighborhood kids went. We were in almost all the same classes together all the way from kindergarten until graduating 12th grade. I can't claim to have been his best friend, but I did consider him a friend when such a thing seemed a rarity in the pains of growing up. Matt was one of those good people you knew would be successful in everything he did, but you weren't jealous because you knew he deserved it. He'd have a great job, a great wife and family, and I'd be truly happy for him, and looked forward to meeting them someday at a reunion. He was just truly one of those good souls whom you wished the best for, and the exact sort of individual that truly made this such a tragedy. He wasn't selfish, he always had a joke, and I'll always remember his smile.
Janis Kenderdine, Friend
Sep 11 2002 5:13PM
As the baseball season gets underway, I know I'll never to be able to watch a Mets or Brooklyn Cyclones game without thinking about Matt, the Subway Series of 2000 and all the discussions we had about baseball. Now I have to figure out all the angles, deconstruct trades and keep up with stats on my own! We all miss him...Pat
Pat DiMaio, Colleague
Apr 19 2002 12:36PM