Jeffrey Robinson
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Colleague and Friend. Still waiting for us Jeff? We'll see you sooner or later. Not to sound selfish, But I really wish I had more time to spend with you back in the days. You made life fun. You made us feel special just associating with you. I'll extend that appreciation sometime again. Never Forgotten!
Mark Konzelman, Colleague
Sep 9 2016 6:07PM
I worked with Jeff in 1999-2000 at NEMF in NJ. I was pretty entry level and was having trouble figuring out a programming project I was assigned. Jeff helped me with the coding. When I was still not going to make the deadline, I went home worried on a Friday. When I came in on Monday, the subfile was done! Jeff debugged it and got it going for me over the weekend. I have moved on since then but I still have the books he gave me on a shelf in my office. Rest in Peace Jeff.
Deb, Colleague
Sep 11 2010 2:11PM
Still remember that fateful day and the kindness you bestowed upon all those that knew you. I consider it a privledged having worked directly across from you and the time we spend together. Your forever loved and remembered.
mark konzelman, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 11:14AM
I worked with Jeff at ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) located in North Brunswick, NJ. Jeff was a wonderful person. He was very soft spoken and easy to talk with. He was a comic as well. He loved to tell funny stories and crack jokes. Jeff often talked about his family; especially his children. He loved them very much. Jeff was friends with both myself and husband whom I met at work as well. We both looked up to him and admired him. We, too, liked to hear about his adventures as an Army Ranger. We would often workout together as well and get together for dinner. Jeff sure did enjoy good food. He loved my shrimp pate and my husband's lemon chicken. When Jeff was over, there were no left-overs. We lost touch with Jeff for a few years. Upon reading his name in our local paper as missing from the WTC event, we were upset. We called his mother and she confirmed. I, too, found employment in NYC and had many client in the WTC area. I would often visit the site and look for his name on the memorial placque. I would touch his name as if I was reaching out to touch his hand. I would cry but then I would hear a soft voice telling me it was okay. I am sure that was Jeff. I am sure he is taking care of everyone where-ever he is. I am sure he is in a good place and I am sure he did a hero helping others in their time of need. Both myself and my husband will miss him. Rest in peace our friend, our hero!
Christine & David Ackerman, Colleague
May 19 2004 6:55PM
Dearest Jeff, you and I worked together for a brief time. I'll always remember your sense of humor, great personality and stunning good looks. I'll see you in my dreams, until we meet again... Rest in peace.
Empress, Colleague
Apr 1 2003 1:24AM
Jeff and I were colleagues at the Saks Fifth Avenue data center. Jeff was one of the go-to guys - a team player - always willing to help out no matter how much work he already had, without giving alot of excuses and rhetoric. He had a wonderful outlook on life, always positive about the future. He would tell wonderful stories about his family, his kids growing up, his adorable twins and he was very proud of his sons. He told fascinating stories about when he was an Army Ranger - about training in the swamps, and being on active duty. He knew alot about music and stereos. He helped me choose most of the components in my sound system. Jeff also gave me a Technics turntable which was in parts when he gave it to me. I used a little ingenuity, and now have a wonderful turntable. After Jeff died I had a real hard time listening to music for awhile. He was a great person, a great friend and co-worker. Rest in peace, Jeff.
Nancy Benson, Colleague
Feb 17 2003 10:15AM
I can remember Jeffrey calling me Baby Doll all the time. He was a very kind person. Jeffrey always talked to me about his kids and how he loved his wife. Christmas 2000 I had 2 beautiful dolls made for his set of twins, one was made with peppermint hair and the other was made with butterscotch hair. He'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace Jeffrey.
Latasha Smith, Friend
Sep 11 2002 9:30AM
I only worked alongside Jeffrey for about a year or two. It diden't take but 5 minutes speaking with Jeffrey to realize he was a truly great guy. His demeanor and thoughtfulness made him a truly genuine person. I'll remember the lunch time concerts we attended together at the bottom of WTC and our weekly walks to J&R; music world. Jeffrey's passion for music was unmatched. He'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace Jeffrey.
Mark Konzelman, Colleague
Jun 18 2002 12:23PM