Astrid Sohan

Family Tribute:Astrid Elizabeth Sohan was 32 years old at the time of the World Trade Center incident on September 11, 2001. She worked for Marsh & McLennan at WTC #1, 95th floor.

Astrid joined Marsh & McLennan in 1996 as a Project Manager where she excelled in the computer field. Her eagerness to succeed was evident; she did what was necessary to complete projects. She consistently strove to achieve excellence; she was not satisfied with mediocrity. Her superiors recognized her qualities and talents and promoted her to Assistant Vice President in her department after three years.

Astrid was born on September 25, 1968 in Georgetown Guyana. She and her family immigrated to the United States where she lived in Brooklyn, New York, Hazlet, New Jersey, and lastly Freehold, New Jersey. She lived in Freehold with her fiancé. Marriage plans were being discussed at the end of August 2001.

Astrid developed to be a kind, vibrant, exuberant and energetic person. She enjoyed helping others, she loved to solve issues. Whenever a problem or task existed, Astrid instantly reacted to solve them. She gave her opinion and she followed through if you allowed her. She believed in the cause to live your life freely and justly. She was also very thoughtful. She did not hesitate to volunteer her time when she felt you needed it and she did special little things to show that she’s thinking of you, like sending a greeting card just to say “Hello, I’m thinking of you.”

Her pastimes included shopping, sports, dining, movies, travel, theatrical plays and social gathering among family and friends. Like herself, she only purchased quality items; she had to have the best. She loved tennis and made it a point to attend the US Open every year. She enjoyed family gatherings; she initiated the writing of the family tree. She did not allow long time lapses with close family and friends; she made that call to stay in contact.

The sky was the limit for Astrid. She will be deeply missed. She is survived by her parents, Barbara and Clive Sohan; her grandparents, Albert & Clarice Hing; four aunts, three uncles and a multitude of cousins.

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I went to the 9/11 memorial the first time in 11th or 12th grade (about 5 years ago) with my cousins. For some reason, Astrid's name stood out to me. I never knew her, but I just couldn't get her name out of my head. I went home and looked a biography up and she sounded like a wonderful person. It might be strange, but she holds a special place in my heart even though I've never met her. I wish the best to her family and friends!
Ann, Friend
Aug 14 2019 1:46AM
I can't mourn your dad too much because I know he's thrilled being with you again. Your namesake is earning her name, don't you think? My gray hair would have rivaled Greg's, lol! Just keep an eye out for her, pls, when you can, in between the laughs with dad. <3
MC, Family
Jul 25 2019 9:22PM
I enjoyed working with Astrid at Marsh. We also had many discussions about Guyana, south american and Caribbean food. RIP Astrid.
Jim Smith, Colleague
Sep 13 2017 0:52AM
You will never be forgotten my friend and colleague. I will always remember you as wonderful as you look in this photo! I think of you every time I wear my bracelet that you helped me with. Always in my thoughts.
Eileen, Colleague
Sep 10 2016 9:12PM
Still missing you Astrid.
Lucien (Luc) Sergile Jr., Friend
Sep 10 2015 10:23 PM
Dear Astrid, I've come here to tell you that there is an new Astrid in my life. Somehow, I think you already know about her and even helped her find her way to us. My beautiful daughter Astrid Isabella was born on January 8th and her mom and I could not be more in love with her! Ann Lisa was so certain that we should name her Astrid because she still is convinced that you brought her and I together. Ann Lisa says she feels like she knew you too from all the things I've told her about you. Please know that I still miss you tremendously! I hope that you are always near your mom's and dad's sides to brighten their day and let them know that you aren't that far away. I know that you continue to smile down upon us from heaven. Please watch over us, especially your little namesake. With all my love, MC
MC, Family
Mar 11 2013 2:44PM
11 years. My daughter was only six months old when you passed. Now I tell her about you and your tragic loss. Tonight, we read about you on-line and I showed her your picture from our high school year book. She shares your memory with her fellow sixth graders as they learn about that fateful day. You are not forgotten, Astrid. My most vivid memories of you are of the years we shared together at Raritan Valley Elementary School and later at Raritam High School. Rest in Peace.
APS, Friend
Sep 10 2012 11:12PM
I did not know Astrid Sohan personally. I was watching a 9/11 tribute on a show called Turning Point with David Jeremiah. The tribute played footage from the 9/11 tragedy and one of the scenes showed a pay phone which had become a posting site for handwritten posts for people seeking the whereabouts of loved ones. On a yellow piece of paper, I saw the beautiful name Astrid Sohan just above the payphone. It immediately stuck out to me so I did a quick Google search off of impulse, hoping that she had been found, and was saddened to learn of her passing. I can tell she was a very memorable and kind person and just wanted to share my condolences with her family and loved ones. Know that she is in the loving arms of the Father, waiting for you all to join her. God bless you and may she rest in peace.
Tarryn Williams, Friend
Sep 15 2011 6:25PM
I met you a long time ago....we worked together at Princeton Information your were just 17-18 yrs. old. That smiley face, that funny laugh...I still remember how excited you were when 'Daddy bought you your 1st car! It was white!. I was reading the obituaries shortly after Sept. 11, 2001 and your very distinct beautiful name was there. I have finally had the courage to look you up on this 10 year anniversary and still in disbelieve of that terrible September morning. May your parents know that you always spoke of them with sooo much love. And that has left an everlasting impression in my mind. God-Bless you and your family.
Nitza Evans, Friend
Sep 12 2011 8:23PM
I moved away from NJ just prior to my senior year and missed many friends from then that I lost touch with. When I discovered facebook, I started to find some of them. I kept looking and hoping that Astrid would show up there, when she did today, it was in the form of a memorial rememberance from a mutual friend. I can't tell you how devistated I was to find out that such a fun, vivacious, thoughtful girl was taken (so young)with so many others in this horrific attack. I had scanned the names known in the first day or so after the attack, counted myself thankful that I didn't recognize any of them, and never looked again when they knew the full count - it was too painful. Now wish I had, not because it would have made me feel better, but because I could have reached out to her family in their time of need. Astrid has always been in my thoughts and she will now forever be in my prayers also.
Lisa (Pontes) Pulver, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:41PM
Not a day goes bye that I don't think of the 9/11 attacks and my friend, Astrid Sohan. We had been very close friends for 17 years up to that day. I was always afraid to find out how she passed until now 10 years later. I think of you all the time and will continue to do so. My son (now 10) asked me about 9/11 the other day and if I knew of anyone who passed. I know when I tell my boys of you, it will be just like the tribute posted here. God Bless you Astrid Elizabeth. I think of you often and miss you every day. God Bless you the Sohan Family. God Bless America....
Lucien (Luc) Sergile Jr., Friend
Sep 10 2011 9:55AM
I am drawn to Astrid's name as I remember how vibrant, hard-working and energetic she was when I worked with her at Marsh. I feel the deep love reading her family's tribute and sure wish she hadn't been taken so soon. Rest in peace, Astrid.
Lauri Hanson, Colleague
Sep 10 2011 8:42AM
I think about Astrid more often than I would ever have imagined. I didn't know her very well, but she was so special. I just watched a September 11th special with my daughter; she is 8 and does not know much about that day. She knows how sad it is, and she knows about Astrid. I wish there was more we could do; I wish we could turn back time and have that day not happen, but we can't. So I will carry on Astrid's memory in my heart and in that of my daughters'.
Colleen Lapp, Friend
Sep 9 2011 10:39PM
I think of Astrid every September since we first came to know of her story in 2005. This will be a hard anniversary for all of us, but I wanted to let her family and friends know that Astrid is still in our minds and our hearts.
Debbie Millin, Friend
Sep 9 2011 7:24PM
I did not know Astrid. I keyed in on her name on one of the long lists those days. I was a Texan living in California then, and felt detatched because I did not know anyone who was taken. In this detached frustration, I chose her to grieve for, and rage for --Astrid E Sohan 32 of Freehold N.J. This was simply because her name was pretty and we were both 32. To all those who really knew and loved her, I wish she was 42. With Love, A random American
dan, Friend
Sep 8 2011 11:19PM
This years 9/11 anniversary is especially hard. Every year I still drive to your Mom & Dad's house, and sit outside and cry. I hope you know how very much you are missed, not only by me, but by so many! You are always in my heart, my friend 'A.' Thank you for being the genuine friend that you were to me during your time on earth. Love you much. xox ~Dawn
Dawn, Friend
Sep 8 2011 4:29PM
I was fortunate to work with Astrid for a while. I still think of her smile now and then, her smile was never far away. I haven't known many people as exuberant as Astrid, she energized everyone around her.
Tom D., Colleague
Sep 15 2010 5:22PM
I sponsored Astrid's flag at the healing field in Tempe Arizona. I did not know Astrid but chose her because we have similar natures - working with computers, the love of shopping and too many shoes.
Catherine Bonner, Friend
Sep 12 2010 7:43PM
Still miss you...
NRG, Friend
Sep 12 2010 1:44AM
This childhood classmate of Astrid's is again thinking of her fondly on this very solemn anniversary.
APS, Friend
Sep 11 2010 7:06PM
Astrid - even though we had fallen out of touch after our school days, I think of you often. You were always so full of life. Rest in Peace.
Linda Rogers Fenner, Friend
Sep 11 2010 6:51PM
Here we are Astrid 9 years out. I never forgot you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart of all those great memories. I will cherish them always.
Steven Sanna, Friend
Sep 11 2010 10:37AM
rest in please Astrid.
Jeff Worth, Colleague
Sep 11 2010 8:57AM
Another year in heaven, you will me missed.
Michael Beslanovitz, Friend
Sep 11 2010 8:30AM
Astrid we love you your constantly thought about and the family will never foreget you...Love you and miss you <3
Hing Family, Family
Mar 8 2010 1:03AM
I miss you so much...I know you are in a better place, but you will forever be in my thoughts.
Nicole German, Friend
Sep 11 2009 11:50PM
every day i remember the friends and colleagues I lost on this day but don't talk about it with anyone. Now the I am reconnected with so many old friends thoughts of you keep coming up. we may have argued on many subjects but in the end we were always friends! we miss you... I miss you
RG, Friend
Sep 11 2009 10:22PM
This childhood classmate of Astrid's is thinking of her fondly on this very solemn anniversary.
APS, Friend
Sep 11 2009 7:05PM
always in my thoughts.
a friend, Friend
Sep 11 2009 5:08PM
This time of year is always very hard for me too. I have a lot of wonderful memories spending time with Astrid in elementary school. She was a great friend. I miss her and think of her often. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and remember all the fun times we had as kids. I lost my father a year before 9/11 and this day hit me hard also. Clive & Barbara, I don't know if you remember me but I remember going to your house and you making those snacks for us. you used to fry them in oil and it was so delicious. Thats my fondest memory of spending time at your house with your beautiful daughter. Lots of love and hugs, Joelle
Joelle Left Herman, Friend
Sep 11 2009 4:20PM
thinking of you
none, Friend
Sep 11 2009 2:14PM
Our thought's and prayers.
Michae Beslanovitz, Friend
Sep 11 2009 1:57PM
Thinking of you.
chris, Friend
Sep 11 2009 1:11PM
It is always so sad this time of year. I think of Astrid everyday and yesterday told a friend about Astrid and how much she meant to me. It has made me sad ever since. Sometimes I try not to think about 9/11 because it still hurts so much. Astrid was such a happy person. A couple of weeks prior to 9/11 I had moved to a new house. Astrid said to me, 'I always wanted to paint a room. Ive never done that' I told her that she would have plenty of rooms to help me paint! Sadly, she never got a chance and I swear, everytime i paint a room, my thoughts are of her. I miss you so much Astrid, I will never forget you and i will always keep you close in my heart. Clive & Barb: I hope all is as well as can be. I miss her so much Diane PS Joe is now almost 16 and Astrid, you would just lovehim. He is a great kid
Diane, Friend
Sep 6 2009 9:57AM
Happy 40th Birthday, babe. Know that I am thinking of you always. Chung
Anita Chung, Colleague
Sep 25 2008 1:54PM
Hey Astrid, I know you're watching over your dad these days with his surgery last week. But I also know you've been guiding some things with me too. I know you saw your Mikey & I standing together at the ceremony yesterday. We were there for your mom & dad because your mom couldn't be. Watch over Mikey Astrid, he's having a rough time. He misses you & Greg so much. Like he said thanks for helping us find each other. He's got a great girl in his life, she was there with him yesterday & I know that's makes such a difference in his life. I wish I would have known in life, but thanks to your dad & Mikey I feel like I do. Love & prayers, Joyce
Joyce, Friend
Sep 12 2008 4:08PM
Always,will be missed.
michael Beslanovitz, Friend
Sep 11 2008 11:17PM
The years pass but it never gets easier. I think of you often and with great fondness. You are missed. ~Dawn
Dawn, Friend
Sep 11 2008 12:48PM
Love you.
Chris, Friend
Sep 11 2008 9:27AM
Hey cutie! How have you been? Missing you so much these days. Are your ears ringing from me talking about you all the time? You and Greg probably can't keep a conversation going with the way I keep bringing you guys up. LOL! I met Joyce on the survivor's network. Thanks for sending her my way. I love you! Oh yeah, I can't believ you told Anita!!! I thought we were going to keep that a secret! M
Mikey, Friend
May 12 2008 11:11AM
Astrid: I did not know you except that you worked with my sister and I happened upon your website. I just wanted to let you know that I always remember 9/11 and honor all our heroes.
Evelyn, Friend
Sep 14 2007 12:18PM
Always,will be missed.
Michael Beslanovitz, Friend
Sep 11 2007 8:15PM
Still thinking of you Astrid. ~Dawn
Dawn, Friend
Sep 11 2007 8:43AM
I will never forget Shelly
Dennis Sheldrick, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 6:07AM
hi how r u? where r u? my sohan solanki
sohan, Friend
Dec 28 2006 5:41AM
Astrid, I was living in Ohio on 9/11, feeling so far away from family and friends at such a tragic time. I remember hearing from friends that you were working in the Towers and were among the missing. Even though I knew you only a brief time, I clearly remember hanging out with you after work in the Pizza Hut in New Brunswick with Jeff Menzies & Co. You were always so upbeat and enjoyable to be around. I'm glad I've had the pleasure of being a part of your life. God Bless. Joanne Curham
Joanne Curham, Colleague
Sep 15 2006 10:32AM
It is 5 years since you left us. I have looked at this page several times, but never submitted a tribuite. I met you when we were about 13 or 14 years old. Our parents were family friends. I hadn't seen you in ages and was shocked when I found out a few days after 9/11 that you had died. I might not have known you all that well, but I do remember that you were beautiful and you had a spirit to match your beauty -- and I can see from all your tributes that I remember you correctly. When I think of 9/11 I always think about you. For me you represent all the good and hope that we lost on that day. My prayers have always been and will continue to be with your family, Clive and Barbara. God Bless.
SS, Friend
Sep 12 2006 12:32AM
My dear Astrid, I am looking at you now in a photo from our trip to New Orleans. I think we had just finished lunch at NOLA. You have this huge smile on your face and you are wearing your favorite outfit. You look radiant and happy. Over dinner at Crown Palace, we both said this particular photo was our favorite. I remember you then as I do now. ~Dawn 9/11/2006
Dawn Stricoff, Friend
Sep 11 2006 9:14PM
Astrid, I couldn't believe it when I heard your name and saw a picture of your parents in the newspaper. I remember you from the first grade. We were also together in Mrs. Krenn's and Mrs. Dowdy's class until I moved away. I remember when we went to the movies in Brooklyn when my mom took us to see 'Voyage to the center of the earth'; I remember the day we did our first communion. In fact, I have a picture of you, Theresa and Nancy, all in white dresses(I believe we were in Mrs. Dowdy's class) and also our first grade class picture. I know you are in a better place looking down on us right now. I want you to know I have fought in the war against terror so that those of us who remain behind, including my wife and 3 daughters, will not have to endure such a loss ever again. I will probably go back over again soon to join my brothers and sisters in arms to continue fighting for freedom. God Bless you and your family. ChenWai
ChenWai Wong, Friend
Sep 11 2006 12:08PM
I'm watching the Fox News re-broadcast this morning, and am again remembering working together at J&J.; You were an awesome person to work with, and taught me quite a bit. I owe a bunch to you, and continue to pray for your family. God bless you, Clive and Barbara!
Fred Conover, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 9:22AM
I think of you often 'A,' and I smile thru my tears. This time of year is especially hard with the anniversary of 9/11 and your birthday. I will never stop thinking of you. Little things remind me of you. The Gap...Shrimp toast...Nine West Shoes, just to name a few.[Smile] You are always in my heart. I miss you, and I love you very much. Dawn xoxox
Dawn Yates, Friend
Sep 8 2006 8:38PM
I only met Astrid once through my friend Dawn. I had never met anyone else like her before or since. I walked away from that night amazed at the light that was all around her. It was indescribable, the postitive energy she exuded. She had just met her boyfriend and was so happy. She had a light that will never go out.
Sharon, Friend
Aug 11 2006 7:52PM
Ive been thinking alot about Astrid lately. Well, I think of her every day, every single day. I guess with the new movie coming out about flight 93, it just brought back all the horrible memories of that day. I see that many people have written that did not know astrid. Some remarked about her name,some have made donations, it is remarkable to see her spirit lives on. Astrid was a very good friend of mine. We saw each other often and to this day, I still can not fathom that she is not here with us. my thoughts always drift to her and all of her co-workers. To those that knew her, she would be proud of all the web searches that pop up when you search her name!! To those that did not, she was truly wonderful, full of spirit. I remember on 9/11, saying if anyone can get out of that tower, it will be astrid. I miss her still.
Diane, Friend
Apr 29 2006 6:13PM
I miss you, you were a great friend and partner for several years. The world is a worse off without you.
Kris Taylor, Friend
Feb 16 2006 9:24AM
I never knew Astrid Elizabeth Sohan, but I was living and working in Manhattan on the day the towers fell. About a year and a half later my family moved to the north section of Battery Park City for the better schools and wonderful environment, although we now lived in what used to be the shadow of the WTC. I always looked at the site from my window, thinking deeply about the lives that were lost and the horror of that day, as it stood empty and undeveloped. I felt I had a strong connection to it, and a loving feeling toward those souls who lost their lives that day. I always felt strangely that I was close to them, in spirit and proximity. Within a year, I discovered that my husband and I were expecting our third child. As I began to contemplate names, the name Astrid was always foremost in my mind. I don't know anyone named Astrid, and I was never familiar with it, but it stuck with me. Noone else in my family seemed to agree that it was a good choice, but I simply felt it defined exactly what I wanted for this baby, a woman of exeptional strength and beauty. We ended up naming her Charlotte Evelyn, on the recommendation of her older brother and general consensus, but Astrid remained in my mind. A few weeks after she was born (her birthday is August 17, 2005), I took her with me on a shopping trip to Century 21. On the way home I noticed a large banner with thousands of names in tiny type honoring those who perished in the towers. The very first name my eyes landed on was Astrid Elizabeth Sohan. Hence my arrival at this site. God bless you Astrid.
Erica Duignan, Friend
Dec 13 2005 7:43PM
We never heard of Astrid Sohan until September 11, 2005. We were given a rose with a piece of paper attached to it with her name on it as part of a Remembering 9/11 Ceremony in Providence, RI. We came home to Massachusetts and found this site and were struck by how much Astrid loved life, and how much people loved her. As we read, we saw a bit of her in each of us. There is nothing we can do or say to make the sadness better for those who knew her, but we hope you know that by reading about her, and by getting to know her through your memories and stories, we have come to love her and admire her love of life (and shopping). The human spirit is truly an amazing thing when you consider that it has been four years since that day. And yet, Astrid lives on and continues to touch others, including a family of four she never met from Massachusetts. We made a contribution to the American Red Cross' Hurricane Katrina Fund, in Astrid's name, knowing that Astrid would have given her own money or time to help others in need. Any 9/11 anniversary gives us pause to think about who we are as people, and who we are collectively, as a Nation. From now on, on September 11th, the Millin family will also remember who Astrid Sohan was and help her spirit and memory live on.
Scott, Debbie
Sep 15 2005 9:23AM
thinking of you.
chris, Friend
Sep 11 2005 5:37PM
I'm stunned. In shock. I had no idea Astrid was gone until 5 minutes ago. Astrid and I were friends for a couple of years in High School. We didn't go to the same fact, I don't remember how we met (I'm ashamed to say), I believe it was through a mutual friend. But we only lived a mile or so apart (she in Hazlet, and I in Aberdeen). I remember I used to cut through the 'A Section' in Strathmore on my bicycle to get to her house. I remember hanging out at her house listening to records (I believe there was shag carpeting in the living room???). I am pretty sure her mom Barbara hemmed my Senior Prom dress for me! I'm 2 years older than Astrid, so I graduated first. We lost touch when I went off to college in Delaware in September, 1984, and I regret that to this day. She was such a great and vibrant person to be around. In fact, just the other day I was looking at a picture I have of her...standing there with her arms flung up in the air as if to say...'Here I am! Take my picture!' She was always larger than life... I trail off here because I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around the fact that she's really gone. I found this site because I put her name into a search engine...hoping to possibly reconnect. Mr. and Mrs. have my deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences. I'm so sorry this happened to one of the sweetest girls I ever knew.
Lisa (Vivirito) Roberts, Friend
Oct 26 2004 4:33PM
I had the great fortune of meeting Astrid in June of 1996, when I started working at the Client Support Help Desk at Johnson & Johnson World Headquarters in New Brunswick, NJ. She was so helpful in my adjustment to 'corporate life', and she was instrumental to the opportunities I encountered while working there. (I later learned that her name for me when I was not around was 'Hayseed', and we shared a lot of laughs about that in the next few years.) When she was promoted to E-mail Administrator, we often worked together, since I was still in the Help Desk, and I would go to her for 2nd-level support. During these times, she would often give me opportunities to learn more about the tasks on the administrative level. She was, in fact, instrumental in my promotion to LAN Administrator, and I will never forget that. It was at that time that Astrid and I became “cubicle neighbors.” We shared the same taste in music (most of the time), and got along great. She had a great sense of humor, and there was the occasional crumpled up piece of paper thrown over the wall to each other. She loved the Noodle Place in town, and about four or five of us would go there a few times a week. They were some great times, and I will miss her very much. She left to work at MMC, and I left to work somewhere else, but we kept in touch over the years. We would often bounce technical questions off of each other, and I did some ghost-writing for her a few times. The day of the attacks, I sent her a few E-mail messages just to see how scary it must have been to be “so close to all of that mess.” The fact that she perished in that rubble was the last thing on my mind, and I felt like the wind was knocked out of me when a coworker of hers was kind enough to reply to my message to let me know what had happened to this wonderful person. Now, the third anniversary is a week away. Several television stations are airing retrospective shows on the tragedy, and I am again reminded of what a great person she was. My thoughts go out to her family and, although I met them only once (at her memorial service), I continue to pray for them. Barbara and Clive, Astrid was a wonderful person, and I count myself as blessed to have been afforded the chance to work with her, and call her my friend. Thank you and God bless. Fred Conover
Fred Conover, Friend
Sep 4 2004 10:19PM
Remembering Astrid with love and pride and deep sadness. From all her family in Toronto,Canada especially the Mogans.
Marcia Maharaj, Family
Sep 11 2003 11:29AM
Well chickie - it's been two years today, and I have your memorial card pinned on my wall in my cube, right next to that famous bronzed Banyan Vines server key that Vlad and those guys made for us... (you know me and my hap-hazard 'pinning things all over the walls' I love having your picture in all that clutter because I know it drives you crazy :) I know there will be alot of attention paid today and over the next few days around people we've lost like you and many others - but then we'll all go back to the rush, the work, the commuting the traffic and the things that we let bug us daily, but when you really look back on them they are very un-important. We allow ourselves to lose track of what is most important in life - Family and Friends - after losing you and this past March - Todd's heart attack (too many Guiness, Burgers and stress I guess :) I am trying to make sure that I keep life in perspective ... so take heart in the fact that having you pinned up there on my wall, among the clutter, or occasionally coming across the blue pleated skirt in my closet that I borrowed and didn't return :).... help me everyday appreciate what I have and where I'm going with my life Thanks for always being there for me, love you and I miss you.
Monica Foley - Collins, Friend
Sep 11 2003 10:39AM
Thinking of you.
Chris, Friend
Sep 11 2003 10:29AM
Asteroid - It's taken me a while to write something to you but, look, I finally got around to it. Heck, if it was you, you'd have it in draft mode anyway and have me re-write it for you. Though I know if you had the choice, this would be in purple ink. I was speaking to Mikey today and asked him if you guys would have ever thought you would get this much notoriety and how you would have felt about it - your face is going to be etched in stone, your name is in tons of memorials, and your name is searchable on the web! I think you would have liked it - providing, of course, that you looked good and that they spelled your name correctly. You know what's funny? I can still hear your voice in my head calling my name - asking my opinion on something or other. I remember the last time you came to my desk on the 97th floor and you sat there in my cube seeking some pearl of wisdom from me. I remember when we first met - and how quickly I took to you - I thought you a kindred spirit - though I must admit I never had that fanatical nature about my shoe collection. I loved your spunk, your sense of humor and how openly we could talk to one another - we were Libras - born one day apart - yes, I was a year older. You never would let me forget. Did you know that we celebrate your birthday every year with Chinese food for dinner and huge slab of chocolate cake? I even added the personal touch of buying shoes for myself, in your memory. The first year, I bought Cole Haans and went for the big bucks just cause I knew how thrilled you would be. I got a little more modest the following year but I have not succumbed to PayLess just yet - I know that would thoroughly disgust you. After dinner, we've gone down to Ground Zero. I had a baby this year - another boy. I remember you telling me how I had to have a girl so you can be an aunt that could spoil her with more fashion sense than I had. Sorry to disappoint you, kiddo - it's another male in the rat race. I'm not going to wax poetic about how wonderful you are, you know that already and tons of people on all these websites have already expounded on all your glories - I'm sure its already gone to your head. I just wanted you to know that I miss you terribly - I miss your laughter, your smile, your sarcasm, just talking. I think of you all the time - about how you are now, what you would've said, all the lunches that we shared. And I talk to the stars at night thinking you'll hear me and maybe, you'll find some way to answer me back. So finally, two years later, I still wish for you all that's purple, all that's chocolate and all that's fashionable. May it always be on sale, clearance or the bargain of a century. You're always in my heart, kiddo. With Love, Chung
Anita Chung, Colleague
Sep 10 2003 1:35PM
Our thoughts are very much with you. there was a quality about you you. You would take time out of your busy schedule (where we seem to never find the time) and reach out to us with a phone call. We now realize how much we will miss your calls. I wish you could have seen our children Haile and Dane and how much we love them. We think of you often and have prayed for your parents. -God Bless- Sean and Kris
Sean and kris calhoun, Friend
Oct 13 2002 12:38AM
When you can?t find the light?got you a cloudy day When the stars ain?t shining bright?feels like you?ve lost your way When the candlelight of hope burns so very far away You?ve got to let you soul shine ?just like my daddy used to say He said soul shine is better than sunshine It?s better than moonshine and it?s damn sure better than the rain. Well now people don?t mind we all feel this way some time You?ve got to let you soul shine Shine till the break of day
a friend, Friend
Sep 27 2002 1:29PM
As it was for many Americans, yesterday was a significant day for me. A year after 9-11 and the entire country, the entire world was still feeling the sadness and anger and impact of such dramatic loss. I had made a decision that I would treat the one-year anniversary of 9-11 with a mixture of reverence, remembrance, and a personal, quiet defiance against the part of the human population capable of something this hurtful. I went to work at my job in Washington D.C. as a subtle indication that one person was not going to stop moving forward in life in spite of the way the world was. The main difference was that I was keenly aware of the reminders around me of American spirit—flags waving at half mast at gas stations, the Washington Monument under a blue sky, dozens of bikers on their Harley Davidsons adorned with flags who I guessed were on their way to the Pentagon. A little after 10 a.m., I got a phone call in my office from my sister in New Jersey. She happened to be watching on CNN the reading of the 9-11 victims’ names and couldn’t believe it when she heard the following name: Astrid E. Sohan. I quickly did a search on the internet for Astrid’s name and was just devastated by what I saw…yes, Astrid E. Sohan, 32, child of Clive and Barbara Sohan, WTC…. You see, Astrid and I met in the first grade. Holy Cross School in Brooklyn. 1974. She was the sweet, talkative, friendly girl. And she and I became best friends. I smile when I think about the fact that she was the first girl in the first grade to have a “boyfriend.” Because my father’s job required my family to move a lot, Astrid and I were together in Brooklyn only till 1976. The wonder of it all is that Astrid always maintained a connection with me, well into our adulthood. I say it that way…that Astrid maintained the connection…because more often than not it was she who wrote the letter first, sent the birthday or holiday card that would get us started again, made a phone call to my parents’ house to find my most current phone number…just to find me and to keep in touch. She was always better about that than I. The last time we connected, Astrid had once again found me through my mom. We talked on the phone a bit, she had told me about what was going on with her…she was upbeat, determined, and talking a mile a minute. That was about 7 years ago. Since 1976, Astrid and I would go through periods of time without at contact but would pick things up where we left off once we found each other again. Seven years is probably the longest we’ve gone without contact. Last night, I spoke to Astrid’s mom Barbara on the phone. She had been to Ground Zero yesterday. We talked about Astrid, what had been going on in her life, the messages she relayed to a friend via beeper on that day while she was on the 95th floor with several other colleagues. She told me about the tribute page for Astrid that her company had established on the web. In reading the comments made by her friends, family and co-workers and in listening to Barbara describe how Astrid’s life had been at that precise moment on September 11, 2001, I realize that Astrid’s life was (as Barb had said tenderly in our phone conversation) “…happy, happy, happy.” For those who know the Sohans, you hear those words with the gentle accent of Guyana where Astrid was born. “Happy, happy, happy.” Astrid was engaged to be married, had become an assistant VP at her company, and loved her job. Approximately this time last year, Clive and Barb were about to renew their wedding vows after 35 years of marriage and according to Barb, Astrid was going to march down the aisle with them. Astrid was with her family the Sunday before 9-11—Barb’s sister had arrived from England for the ceremony and they had gone out for dim sum. I didn’t quite realize it till yesterday that I have quite a few photographs with Astrid that span a big chunk of my life. Among them, a photo of Ms. Balducci’s first grade class. Astrid and I in white dresses with our arms around each other on the day of our first communion. A birthday party where she’s helping me blow out candles on a cake. The two of us in ridiculous attire from the eighties and lots of cheesy makeup. A photo of her during my wedding in 1991. There were so many things that pulled at my heart while I spoke to Barbara on the phone last night. One that hit particularly hard was the sadness in her voice when she said that Astrid did not even have a fighting chance to get out of that building. Astrid had so much feist and fight, even as a little girl. I’m struck by the peculiar and sad irony of finding out about my friend Astrid on the one-year anniversary of 9-11. I am surprised that in looking at all the news coverage since 9-11, I never saw a single thing that mentioned her name. I’ve been grieving for a day. Barb, Clive, Astrid’s fiancé, family, her friends, and co-workers have been grieving for a year. I can’t describe to you the profound mixture of emotions in Barb’s voice over the phone. I’m sharing this with all of you today because I believe that we are all grieving in our own ways. Yesterday, I had an immense number of thoughts that ran through my mind and heart about Astrid which started out as “If only I had….” I don’t think she would have wanted that at all. So there is one thing I can do for Astrid and for myself as well in all this sadness… I ask each of you, if you have a friend or family member who’s been directly or indirectly affected by 9-11, think of him or her and reach out in some way, whatever way you can. If you’re not in a position to talk to them or hug them, dedicate a personal moment or a prayer or a wish with them in mind. Think of them and feel them in your heart. If you have had friends or family whom you haven’t seen or contacted in a while—because of time, distance, life, whatever the reasons may be—remember them. Simply remember them. Perhaps you will be moved to be the first to send the card, make the phone call, knock on a door. Give love and friendship and grace a fighting chance. I think Astrid would have liked that.
Theresa Laranang-Mutlu, Friend
Sep 12 2002 12:18PM
I was watching a 1 year anniversary presentation on television today. They were showing images of family and friends who had posted signs all over Manhattan desperately seeking their loved ones. I saw 2 women holding a sign , seeking Astrid. I immedeately typed her name into Google, wondering whether she had been found alive or had paid the ultimate price. This webpage came up in the search engine. This experience made the 9/11 disaster real for me. These were just regular people, like you and me. They were taken too soon. Reading what other people wrote about you makes me realize the depth of this tragedy. You were a multi faceted individual, you were special to so many people. You were taken away from so many that loved you so dearly. And although I didn't know you, your picture and story makes my deep feeling of loss all the more tangible. I will remember you.
Saurabh Date, Friend
Sep 12 2002 1:26AM
Today, at a small liberal arts college in central Virginia, I was part of a memorial service dedicated to all those lives lost on 9-11-01. I was given your name to remember. I am so sorry. I've done some research and have learned that you were very much like me...outgoing, caring, loving, love of, traveling. I also learned that you were the only child of your parents. Again, I'm so sorry for them and their loss. I just felt the need to speak to you through your memorial site and to simply say that you will not be forgotten by me.
Michelle Dalton, Friend
Sep 11 2002 10:27AM
My name is Steven Sanna. I worked with Astrid at Johnson & Johnson World Headquarters in New Brunswick. I didn’t find out Astrid was one of the fallen until almost a week later. Out of all the people I met in my life, Astrid was the one person that I could not accept was gone. I have suppressed many of my feelings about her and that day until now. The days leading up to the first anniversary of 9/11 has brought it all back to my mind and heart. When I first met Astrid, I couldn’t quite make up my mind about her. She was truly unique. The Astrid I knew was a strong, opinionated, honest, and passionate woman. I worked on the Help Desk, while she was the E-mail administrator. I talked to her on the phone just about every day of the nearly 2 years I was there, and it was a good working relationship. I also saw her and got to spend some time with her on the many ‘Thursday Pay-day’ parties we would have at Pizza Hut and many other colorful locations in New Brunswick after work. She was just fun to be around and talk to. She used to have this little nickname for me that really annoyed me at first, but when I look back it’s some of the fondest memories I have of her. She had this gift of making you feel special, even important when she was around. I could be in a room full of people but when Astrid talked to me, and it seemed like the both of us were the only people there. I can’t say Astrid and I were the best of friends, but I certainly counted her as a friend, and a person that made a profound difference in my life. My heart goes out to Clive and Barbara. Though I have never met either of you I feel connected somehow. I am an only child myself, raised by a single parent. I was in a near fatal accident years ago. I was in a coma and nearly lost my life. My mother was alone dealing with the pain of losing me, her only child. That was nearly 10 years ago and we still get emotional when we relive that time. Grief is something you can never really overcome. You can only really find peace, and be comforted with knowing that she will always be with you. I’m sure she has dropped by to visit me from time to time. I feel I got a message from her the morning after I found out. I believe she let me know she was OK, and I feel comfort in that knowledge. Many times when I think of her and the memories I have, I can feel her there. I’m sure you have that feeling too. Good luck and God bless to the Sohan family. Please know that even though one of your own has passed, you are never apart. The love you share will always keep you together. Steven N. Sanna A Friend
Steven Sanna, Friend
Sep 11 2002 9:26AM
I met the great being called 'Astrid' when I worked at International Flavors and Fragrances in Dayton, NJ in 1991. I was 28 years old and had just lost my husband. I felt so out of place because I was a 'temp' and the only black woman in the place. Astrid immediately made me feel welcome. Not only was she genuinely friendly, but she was a fellow woman of color. Believe me, they didn't have many there. In fact, I think Astrid and I were the only ones. After a few weeks, we started to hang out socially and she introduced me to her cousin. Well, long story short, her cousin and I had a long, passionate relationship. She even kept my pooch for me while I trekked over to Brooklyn for weekends to be with my newly found love. All I know is that Astrid was one of the most giving, personable, genuine and truly sweet people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. When I moved into my new apartment more than 10 years ago, she gave me a kitchen table because I didn't have one. She said 'girl, you use it as long as you need to'. Well, I'm still using it, but now it serves as my desk in my office. It's a shame that it took 9/11 for me to think of her every time I boot up my PC that sits on that desk. I hate that. But that's what happens in life; you don't appreciate what you have with people until they're gone. So many times I've said 'I need to call Astrid and see how she is', but never did. I'm so sorry about that. I only hope that Astrid can forgive me and please know that I held our friendship so dear and...I miss her. Note to Astrid: I'm gonna look for you up in heaven, and when I get there you be ready for some martini's (remember Girl's Night?!) Don't worry, I'll find you. Because I know you'll be wearing the most beautiful outfit in the place! Be at peace, my friend. Lisa Mitchell aka: Leeeeeeese!
Lisa Mitchell, Friend
Aug 16 2002 12:30AM
Astrid Thanks for being our daughter for almost 33 years but most of all thanks for being our friend. We will miss you in our hearts forever. We love you and will always love you. Look over us and help us on our daily journey. So long our ANGEL until we meet again. Mom and Dad June 14 2002
Clive Sohan, Family
Jun 14 2002 9:22AM
After reading all those lovely tributes to Astrid, I can only add that my thoughts are always with her parents, Barbara and Clive.I knew Barbara when she was just a baby and with her qualities , no wonder Astrid turned out to be such a lovely girl. Astrid will always be remembered by her friends and family, and May God Bless all of them, and keep them safe.
Maisie Szabo, Friend
Jun 3 2002 11:13PM
I worked with Astrid's father Clive at SoGen. When Clive told me Astrid had been killed in the terriorist attack on 9/11 I sat and cried at my desk for my friend and his wife Barbara. Words can't express my feelings for their loss. May God be with them through this time.
Joyce Daino, Friend
May 23 2002 8:53AM
I never told Astrid this, but at first I didn't like her. By the time she came to work at J&H; I already had my fill of people who seemed to be outgonig at first but then turned out to be just plain ol' arrogant. Astrid was, thankfully, not like the others. She was the real deal. We soon (very soon) became real close friends. She could be one of the boys but she was always the lady. She was always so fashionably dressed but not in a gaudy way; something I always admired in a person even before I met her. But above it all, Astrid was my dear friend. We shared many secrets with each other and turned to each other for advice. We shared a crazy sense of humor with a touch of naughtiness. She was one of the few that was able to make the realization that if Greg (Reda) was my best friend for all of those years he couldn't POSSIBLY be all that innocent! Hehehe, sorry Greg! I remember how giving and thoughtful she always was. She would go out of her ways for her friends and even for her friends' friends if she new about them. She was always so caring and loving. A very 'touchy-feely' type of person (just like me), she wasn't afraid of letting you 'in' or of being close. Astrid was one of the reasons I looked forward to going to work each morning. I always looked forward to our first glimpse of each other, where she would smile so much her eyes would disappear and she would bellow 'Mikeyyyyyyyyyyyy!' Astrid was part of our daily lunch group (of which only three of the seven remain). We would always have so much fun walking out and trying to decide what we were going to have for lunch that day. She and I were fond of 'Far Chinese'. She and I were also part of the NJ recriutment squad. She clamied responsibility for my wanting to make the move to NJ (despite the fact that my entire immediate family lives out there)in defiance of Greg who was proud of getting Anita (Chung) to move out to Long Island. Now Anita and I are moved into our LI/NJ homes but neither one of us has Astrid or Greg to be our welcoming commity. Astrid was counting the days until the Wegman's opened up on Route 9 in NJ. She used to always say 'Mikey, I can't wait to have you and Maria out in NJ with us. We're going to go shop at Wegman's. You'll LOVE IT, dude!' She was even friends with my wife Maria and was planning on taking her out shopping often, whether I liked it or not. Astrid and Marc had invited my wife and I to her home a few times but we could never make it over due to conflicts. I used to reassure her, 'Dont worry, soon we'll be out there and we'll see each other all the time!' Well, I dont have to tell you how that story ends. Maria and I will still keep in touch with Marc and Astrid's parents but the world will never be the same now that she's gone. My wife has one of Astrid's Coach bags. I look at it and touch it trying to remember what it was like to have my arm around my buddy Astrid. My hand feels hopelessly and eternally empty. I miss you Astrid. Love Always, Mikeeeeeeeeey!
Michael Cantatore, Friend
Apr 16 2002 2:57PM
Astrid, bright & sunny and always smiling. I only have good memories of you. Playing at the company picnics, shopping for Lancome products at the company store, chatting on speaker phone from Greg’s office. Because of Greg, I knew you well. He always had such wonderful things to say about you. I remember it was time for him to get a new laptop, which meant that his current one would go to you. Greg took so long to fill out the paper work & you kept asking about it, finally you filled out the paper work to speed things up. Soon the two of you were happy to play with your new “toys.” You were always so thoughtful, when Nicholas was born you showered us with Johnson & Johnson gifts. When Matthew was born in July, only a few days later you & Jen sent us a Vermont Teddy Bear dressed pajamas covered in stars. I hold the bear as all of the memories of you dear to me. Everyday I imagine what you were all going through on that terrible day. The only comfort I have is that you & Greg were together, you weren’t just co-workers but friends. I pray to you and the rest of the lunch crew everyday. I look up at the stars & moon & know that we are still under the same sky. Watch over us and help us along the way. Until we meet again.....
Nicole Reda, Friend
Apr 16 2002 10:34AM
Astrid and I became friends due to our parents very good friendship. We attended High School together, and enjoyed many good times during those four years. My biggest regret is losing contact with Astrid. I will always remember her with a smile on her face. She enjoyed everything life had to offer. I was thrilled, but not suprised to hear just how successful she had become. She will always be in my thoughts, and my heart and prayers go out to her family and friends.
George Duca, Friend
Apr 14 2002 9:25PM
Astrid was and will always remain my best friend. We met in 1992 selling shoes at Nine West. It was an instant friendship and I am so lucky to have had her in my life. During the years we shared many hopes, dreams, and also disappointments. She was ALWAYS there for me and I miss that every day. When my son James was born, Astrid was the first to visit us in the hospital. Astrid was an amazing, one of a kind--FRIEND. I think of her every day and pray for her parents, Barbara and Clive. Astrid will always be in my heart.
Robin Spucches, Friend
Apr 12 2002 8:49PM
One of the best words to describe Astrid is 'go-getter'. She knew what she wanted and she made strides to get it; she was a do-er. I'm missing our talks, our crab lunches, our movie day out and just her presence. She had a strong, vibrant personality. She had no inhibitions expressing herself, good or bad to the recipient. She was generous with her time, she wanted to help. She was also generous with her possessions, just visit my house. I'm glad that she lived her life the way SHE wanted. Her aunt, kim.
Kim Hing, Family
Apr 12 2002 10:31AM
Apr 11 2002 9:25PM